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Don’t let the mold panic set in just yet — it might not be as bad as you think. Mold is everywhere. It grows on the sides of houses, it blackens surfaces like brick and concrete, and it thrives in the soil of your yard and garden. Indoors, mold lives in sink drains, shower grout, […]

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From the outside, flipping a house looks easy. If you watch one of the many programs on rehabbing and flipping it makes it look like every property is a winner. The reality is that if you don’t know what you are doing you can, and will, be disappointed in your results. This is the part that you […]

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Can you still sell your house when there are other owners that you aren’t in touch with or may not want to cooperate? This scenario has become an increasing problem for many U.S. homeowners in the wake of the last 7 years. Properties have changed hands multiple times, people have been added onto title deeds, […]

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